Off Piste Ability Chart
Use this chart to assess your ability so we can tailor our services to you as best as possible!
Level 1
You can confidently make parallel turns on red runs and groomed black runs. You have never been off piste before, or if you have, you have tried a few tentative turns on the edge.
0 days experience offpiste deep powder and trees
Level 2
You are confident on black slopes and are often heading out onto the off-piste. In good snow you can link some turns together. On steeper sections or in difficult snow, you make wider turns and aren't familiar with riding in deep snow without a base.
1 – 10 days experience off-piste deep powder and trees
Level 3
You can confidently make several turns in good powder snow. In difficult conditions however, such as heavy wet snow, poor visibility and ice, you have less confidence and want to refine your technique in dealing with such obstacles.
11 – 20 days experience off-piste deep powder and trees
Level 4
You are a strong off piste skier/rider and whilst you may find it challenging, you can cope in all snow types and conditions. You are starting to ski/ride faster and want to become more confident in tighter situations such as the trees.
20+ days experience off-piste deep powder and trees
Level 5
You are extremely capable in any type of snow conditions including crust and ice and equally as comfortable in low-zero visibility conditions. You ski/ride fast and confidently in big wide slopes and through the trees. You are unfazed by steep slopes and are looking for your next challenge.
More than 1 full season experience off-piste deep powder and trees